2nci Genç Güncel Sanat Proje Yarışması Kataloğu

6 For feeding our soles, expanding our horizons, removing our prejudgments, even questioning the life, the art is the best way and it is always unifying and effective factor to express the targets on the point of a liveable and peaceful world imagination by putting the similarities or differences among the countries and cultures. There is no doubt that especially during the last quarter of this century brought social, political, eco- nomic and technological developments in the world and in our country together with fresh perceptions and searches in many fields of the life. Naturally, the reflections of this process indicated itself in the field of visual arts where the imaginations and productivity are important factors, and former concepts of the art became insufficient to explain many during this process. The components like material, way of expression, technique and content in the art have changed and the current art as a different way of expression than previous ways in this period found place in the agenda. Mevlana simply put this change and improvement centuries ago by beautifully saying “ now, it is necessary to say something new.” Therefore, it is my, on behalf of our Ministry, pleasure to realise the “Contemporary Art Project Competition For Youth” for second time to reflect the developments in young arts as a response to new expectations and searches in the fields of visual arts which will enable us to understand the complaints, imaginations and fresh expressions of youth. Önsöz / Foreword