Spiritual Consonance In The Heritage Of Kazakh And Indian Thinkers

262 Dariga KOKEYEVA T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Abai Kunanbayev 1845-1904 Swami Vivekananda 1863-1902 The name «Words of edification» of Abai, inaccurately transfers the meaning of the philo- sopher. In European tradition, «Book of words» belongs to the genre of aphorisms and maxims. In fact, it is confession – extremely deep and responsible genre, which requires integrity and sincerity from the writer, in other way, we are facing with “nakedness of soul” of man, poet and philosopher. As well as it means something significant, important and paramount in the Turkic tradition. «Book of words» it is also direct appeal to the readers, like conversation and open talk, unique work «of observation of the cold mind and sorrowful heart markings» and philosophy of life of individual on the background of destiny. Forty five «Words of edification» and Swami’s eight volumes book were the philosophical reflection of the poets. About life problems and deeply sad «face to face» conversation with their audience. Finally, they explain their decision to write down «own thoughts»: Paper and ink from now on will be my consolation. Maybe someone would like some of our word and he would rewrite it for himself or just remember. If not, then our words, as it says, would stay with us. THE MAIN SIMILARITIES IN THEWISEWORDS OF SWAMI VIVEKA- NANDA AND ABAI KUNANBAYEV Swami Vivekananda has a special place in the history of the Indian people. The purpose he set was to benefit the people and improve awhole India. We can see in works of Swami Vive- kananda, that he was a wise and noble person who was looking for the people’s needs. And for the Kazakh people, when we speak about the past, present and future of our native literature, we can’t avoid Abai’s heritage without mentioning the name of Abai. Abai’s edu- cational work is highly valued by our people. Abai and Swami lived in different societies, they had different nationality, religion and lan- guage, but the goals and dreams of the great sons were one. They struggled for the well-being of their people and became the poets of their dreams and views.