Spiritual Consonance In The Heritage Of Kazakh And Indian Thinkers

264 Dariga KOKEYEVA T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı new to you, and you will feel the desire- for new quests, and a love of knowledge will be born in your heart. Then your memory will absorb whatever you have seen and heard. But if you have another purpose in mind, seek knowledge only with the aim of getting rich, your attitude to learning will be the same as that of a woman to her stepson. If your soul and your mind are well intentioned towards learning, it will be benevolent in turn- it will surrender to you readily. But it will show half-hearted benevolence to a half-hearted person. In 15 th word is said: «If you wish to be counted among the intelligent, then ask yourself once a day, once a week, or at least once a month: «How do I live? Have I done anything to improve my learning, my worldly life or my life hereafter? Will I have to swallow the bitter dregs of regret later on? оr perhaps you don’t know or remember how you have lived and why?» and encourages people to spend their life, even their everyday hours, in a profitable way. We can observe similar thoughts from Abai and Swami in terms of teaching. In his 25 th verse, Abai says: «One should learn to read and write Russian. The Russian language is a key to spiritual riches and knowledge, the arts and many other treasures. If we wish to avoid the vices of the Russians while adopting their achievements, we should learn their language and study their scholarship and science, for it was by learning foreign tongues and assimilating world culture that the Russians have become what they are. Russian opens our eyes to the world. By studying the language and culture of other nations, a person becomes their equal and will not need to make humble requests». He notes - how can the Kazakh receive a key of education – the culture? The science of today is the same as the ancient madrasahs, and it is mentioned that it is not beneficial today. And in Vivekananda: «Knowledge, Knowledge, and only Knowledge! While traveling in many European cities, focusing on the comfort and even on poor, I was caught in the plight of my own poor people. What’s the difference? The answer I found was only in knowledge». The idea of​ the two philosophers are in one direction, is to teach the world that has been in the dark for cen- turies and put them in the new path, and then they would be equal to another countries, and they would have left their old bad habits, poverty and art, and would have an equal window with others. That is why first of all it demands the children to strive for knowledge and art. The following are the ways in which the development and prosperity of the population begins with the education of the child. Vivekananda says: “Our only help to the low-income people is to give them education and to give them the only help they need. If a poor child does not come to receive education, then education should find a way and go to him». Here Abai in the 38 th word calls Kazakh children for education: «Now, human love is inseparable from human reason, intelligence and loving kind- ness. The source of these virtues are the perfections that are bestowed on man from his birth: sound health and a beautiful appearance; the rest depends on the nobility of soul of one’s father and mother, on wise mentors and kind friends. Love engenders aspiration and understanding, while reason, intelligence and loving kindness kindle an interest in learning. A child does not aspire to learning of his own free will. He has to be persuaded through coercion or inducement until he acquires a thirst for knowledge. A child seeking knowledge may be considered a true human being, and you may hope that he will later strive to know God, to