Spiritual Consonance In The Heritage Of Kazakh And Indian Thinkers

265 Spiritual Consonance In The Heritage Of Kazakh And Indian Thinkers Türk Halk Edebiyatı understand his own self and the world around him, that he will do well, but not at the expense of his honor, and will shun evil. MORAL AND BEHAVIORAL ISSUES One of the main topics that Swami Vivekananda and Abai Kunanbayev’s proverb sug- gests are the humanity issues of morality and behavior. We see that the notion of human being are highly esteemed in their words. In their saying, they strive to call to protect that honor, to keep it clean, avoid the traits that inflict it, and understand the role of a person in society. Sami Vivekananda encourages us to look ahead, and to be self-confident: «The secret of greatness is a faith, faith, faith in yourself, faith, faith in God. If you believe in all 330 000 000 mythological gods and gods of other countries, but still do not believe in yourself, then you have no salvation». The following proverb tells the people to demonstrate their strength and perseverance: «Never say, Never, I can not do it!» Time and space are nothing compared to your creation. You can do everything, you are great. Strength - Life, Weakness – Death». «Rise up and fight! Do not step backwards. Defeat everything. You act with cowardice you will never get out of it, you will not be able to escape from your destiny. You call all the gods in the world. Will you stop feeling sorrow? God will come to you only when you win! What is it needed? You are eternal, immortal, without birth. Because you are eternal, you never were a slave. Awake! Rise up and struggle!» «Allow people to say what they like to say, combine with your own beliefs and convince others. Then you get the world at your feet. They say that you believe that, you believe it but I would say «first of all believe in yourself. Believe in yourself, the force is strong with you – be conscious. «Tell me that I can do. If you do not admit it, even the snake venom will be weak». In his next saying, he argues that man must have self-discipline and self-efficacy: «We are responsible for who we are and who do we want to be and we have the power to form ourselves. Who we are now it is the outcome of our past conduct, who do we want to be in the future defini- tely can be done by our current conduct; so we need to know how to proceed». Swami Vivekananda connects the moral qualities of a person with life and society. He tells when person comes to his social duty, he must be one of the active creators of the world, and people should serve for their homeland, and only then he discharges his moral duty. Regarding moral, he says the following words: «Be a moral. Be a courageous. Being filled with morals, stru- ggle with depression. Do not worry about collisions with religious theories, but fear is only sin». The only reference to moral: who is a selfish - he is an immoral and who is unsel- fish - is a moral. The greatness of humanity is reflected in the following words: «The major difference between human being and animals is the difference between their concentration powers. Every success in every work is its result. The difference in their concentration power is also the difference between humans. The difference is in the degree of concentration”. «The human body is the greatest body and humanity is the great being. A man is greater than all animals and all angels, there is none greater than man».