The Lion Of Plevna In The Songs Of Bosniaks From Sandžak

200 Naka NİKŠİĆ, PhD, Assistant Professor T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Example 1 Slavu slavi Osman Paša u Stambolu gradu (Vasiljević, 1967: 138) 9 The translation of the lyrics into English 10 : The Paşa revels in his festivities in the great city of Istanbul, Revels in festivities, lights a pipe, and strokes his white beard. Around him are all his ministers and all of his marshals. - Osman Paşa, you traitor, why did you betray my army, Why did you betray everything Turkish and everything Muslim? Osman Paşa wrings his hands together, pacing up and down the room: “I didn’t, oh emperor, not a one, I swear it on my faith! I’ll get my hands on king Đuro in a week’s time, I’ll throw him in the dungeon, until the day of his death!” 9  The ethnomusicological collection of Vasiljević, М . (1967). Югославские народные песни из Санджака, Записаны от народнога певца Хамдии Шахинпашича . was printed in Moscow, and so in addition to the original lyrics of the songs, there is also a Russian translation. 10  It is often the case that people over time in folk songs change historical events and participants. So it was in this song that Gazi Osman Paşa was accused of betraying the Ottoman army. He claimed never to have done so, and that he would “capture king Đuro”. In addition to numerous historical data which we have access to regarding the battles for Plevna, the name of this king is nowhere to be found. So it is difficult to say who this king Đuro from the song is. Thus I assume that the folk singer placed “king Đuro” from some other historical event into the context of this song and deemed him the protagonist of the action (it is possible that we could be dealing with the Georgian king Đuro VIII). Naka Nik š i ć