The Lion Of Plevna In The Songs Of Bosniaks From Sandžak

203 The Lıon Of Plevna In The Songs Of Bosnıaks From Sandžak Müzik, Oyun ve Eğlence Example 4 Proplakala Šećer Đula (Vasiljević, 1953: 241) The translation of the lyrics into English: Osman Paşa’s faithful love, in Istanbul on the Bosphorus, in her white castle, speaks: “Where’s thou Osman, where’ve you been, Where has your army been lost? Where’s thou Osman, where’re you now, My heart aches for you!” - “Here I am, my young Rose, Beneath the white city of Plevna, The entire army that the emperor had given me, All of it, my Rose, I’ve buried, My enemy has captured me, But has spared my life, And spared my sabre. Now I have no one to call my own, Except God and my steed!” Lıon Of Plevna In The Songs Of Bo nıaks From Sand ž ak